Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Music is in my soul ♥ ♫♪

I do actually think that my favorite kind of music is the rock, it’s not the only one I’m used to listen, but I prefer it over any other styles. I think that my major reason to think that way, is the letter from the songs, rock do always have something interesting to say into the song’s lyrics, you can’t say that about the others music styles.

I think that something that you absolutely need into any rock song is the drums, I mean, them define the rhythm into the song, and without them nothing would be the same. I would love to learn how to play the drums someday, I have absolutely zero musical skills, but I’m sure I can still try and see how it goes.

When I’m listening music, I usually listen to a singer or a band, until I get bored of them, and then I do it over and over again, but there are some bands I could listen forever and never get bored of them, like “El cuarteto de nos” it’s an Uruguayan band, and I really love their music, and the exited the singer and compositor get when he’s talking about him songs, that just makes me love them more. Another band I absolutely love is “Bowling for soup” it’s an American group, and them are more famous than “El cuarteto de nos”, I found them while I was looking for the opening song of Phineas and Ferb, the full version is much better, I really love it.

I think that I had always got something with the no that much popular music; when I was a child my parents usually were listening them favorite music, so I grew up full of old singers, like “Nicola Dibari”, “Manolo Galvan”, “Los Nocheros”, etcetera, is  not like I don’t like their music, but I don’t listen them anymore. Then when I was like 10 or 12, I was always listening rap, “Mc Aese” was my favorite singer, his songs were great, plus he was really beautiful.

Of course apart of all the other music, there would always be some space in my heart for Disney movies songs, I do really love them all, but my favorite would always be “Hombre Fuertes” from Mulan, I just love it


  1. the soundtrack of mulan it's really good, it's one of my favorite soundtrack of the disney universe movies

  2. "Phineas and Ferb" song is really cool, but I like more the Spanish version.

  3. I'm also a fan of the song of disney's movies!
