Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My future job :)

I haven’t truly imagined my future once I get out from the University, I mean, I been imagining a lot of possibilities, but I don’t have a favorite one or anything like that. But since I’m studying Biochemistry, I imagine myself like a scientist.

I would love to be all my life doing research, mainly because I want to learn about everything, I want to understand the way our world works, and while I’m doing that, if I get the chance to help the humanity, by discovering something really good, that would be pretty nice too, but that isn’t my truly reason to be doing that. I don’t really know in what I would like to be specialized, but for be working in what I want, I already know I would need to have a PhD, mainly because without it you are no one, at least, in scientist world.

I think that I would like to work on a laboratory, even if I’m indoors, and doing similar things every day, I had always feel relax, calm, and only happiness when I’m inside a lab, even when it get stressful. I suppose that’s one of the reasons why I chose my career; it brings a lot of chances to work on a lab.

 I suppose that if I’m working on a lab, I wouldn’t have so many opportunities to travel, at least not related to work stuff. But I would like to move to England, and work there, I really like that country, I don’t know why.

When I choose my career, I had never thought about the money, for me that isn’t really something that much important, I mean, it’s something important, but I’m not going sell my soul just to get more money, I think that it doesn’t matter how many money you have, but how you use it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Music is in my soul ♥ ♫♪

I do actually think that my favorite kind of music is the rock, it’s not the only one I’m used to listen, but I prefer it over any other styles. I think that my major reason to think that way, is the letter from the songs, rock do always have something interesting to say into the song’s lyrics, you can’t say that about the others music styles.

I think that something that you absolutely need into any rock song is the drums, I mean, them define the rhythm into the song, and without them nothing would be the same. I would love to learn how to play the drums someday, I have absolutely zero musical skills, but I’m sure I can still try and see how it goes.

When I’m listening music, I usually listen to a singer or a band, until I get bored of them, and then I do it over and over again, but there are some bands I could listen forever and never get bored of them, like “El cuarteto de nos” it’s an Uruguayan band, and I really love their music, and the exited the singer and compositor get when he’s talking about him songs, that just makes me love them more. Another band I absolutely love is “Bowling for soup” it’s an American group, and them are more famous than “El cuarteto de nos”, I found them while I was looking for the opening song of Phineas and Ferb, the full version is much better, I really love it.

I think that I had always got something with the no that much popular music; when I was a child my parents usually were listening them favorite music, so I grew up full of old singers, like “Nicola Dibari”, “Manolo Galvan”, “Los Nocheros”, etcetera, is  not like I don’t like their music, but I don’t listen them anymore. Then when I was like 10 or 12, I was always listening rap, “Mc Aese” was my favorite singer, his songs were great, plus he was really beautiful.

Of course apart of all the other music, there would always be some space in my heart for Disney movies songs, I do really love them all, but my favorite would always be “Hombre Fuertes” from Mulan, I just love it

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The most amazing organ in our body!!

I do actually think that every organ that we got is amazing by itself, but for me the most amazing of all is the human brain, I mean, he control everything about us, even the things we don’t realize that we are doing at every moment.

The brain is the most complex organ in our bodies, I think that, that is why he takes care of almost everything about us, he is like the big boss in the human body, so he says to the other organs what them should do, and he takes care of them if they don’t, obviously by regulating the hormones concentration, or inhibiting some process.

Apart of regulate our organs works, the brain is where we generates ours feelings; our memories are trapped somewhere inside it, and more important than any other thing, our consciousness, that is supposed to be what basically make us different  from the other animals, and is still a mystery to the scientific how it was generated.

It’s amazing how everything about us is trapped in approximately 1180 cm3 in our head, and it can be attacked by so many illnesses, like Parkinson, Alzheimer, depression, bipolarity, etc.

The only way we can protect this vital organ is by using it constantly, eating healthy food, making sure the rest of ours bodies is healthy, being a social person, etc.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

My best holidays ever!

When I was a child, my family and I went to the south of Chile many times on the holidays, because my dad’s family lives there, I mean in Villarica, Pucon, Lican Ray, Loncoche, etcetera. So we visited them and stayed in beautiful places for a low cost.

I'm trying hard to remember my best holidays ever, and I think that they were on the summer between 2013 and 2014
Why was it the best trip ever??

Well, before that travel there were like 3 years since the last time I had been there, so I was very excited, and my parents even bought a special car so we can get to my favorite place in the world (Rio Blanco, a place lost in the mountains) without any problem.
My foster grandparents
Our trip lasted like 6 or 7 days.

Before we arrived to house of my foster grandparents in Villarrica, we went to Lonconche and I met for the first time the biological father from my dad, he is a nice person I think.

My foster grandparents were so happy to see us after so long that they made a big roast, and we spent one night there.

Next day we moved to my aunt house, we love to camp in her patio, she always want us to stay in her house, but we always do insist.

Our tent in my aunt patio
From my aunt house we went to some other places, Pellaifa lake was the one I like the most, when we come back from there to the house of my aunt, my uncle told me an amazing history about it. Before it was a lake, a town were placed there, many years ago, and then an earthquake or a volcano( I can’t remember it pretty well) get it sunken, that’s why if you go there you can see a lot of sunken trees, and there is even a chimney from an old house, but I didn’t knew it when I was there, so I’m wishing to come back there and look for that chimney.

Hot springs in Rio Blanco
After that we move to  Río Blanco that’s a sector near Pucón but to the mountain, I don’t know how to explain how to get there, but it’s absolutely amazing, there are some natural hot springs and  you can camp next to them, like 2 meter from them, that’s where my tent were and there is no electricity, or drinking water except for the river one, I just love that place. We stayed there for 2 days, and then we get back to the sad reality.

I’m really hopping to go there this summer!