Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Summer Holidays ! ♥☀♥

I don’t really have anything planned for this summer holidays yet, mostly because I don’t even know when they are going to start…

This year I’m going home for Christmas and staying there until New Year Eve, and then I’m coming back to Santiago the first of January, that day is my sister’s birthday, I was really hoping to be able to stay there one day more, but I think it’s not possible.
my mom, my sister and my foreing sister.

After the exams I want to stay in Santiago until the end of January, and I’m trying to convince my sister to come here, so we can visit some museums and everything Santiago got to offer to a tourist,  but she really hates Santiago so I’m not sure if I would convince her or not.

my dad and I
In February I’m going home, there I would probably help my dad with his summer job “transport people for blueberry harvest”, that’s what I did last summer holidays, and I think I was pretty funny. Plus, there is a time when they pay a lot for working there, almost at the end of the summer so I would probably work there some few days.
In some point of the summer holidays, I think that my family and I are going to Villarica, Licanray and near, my parents promised me to go there this year, I really miss those places.

Some friends
Since there is an exchange student living in my home, I believe, we will be doing little travels every weekend, but we always do something like that every summer, anyway.

I'm hoping to be able to spend some time with my friends from school too, but their university got a strike even longer than ours, so I do not know if they would be able to hang out, because they would probably be in class all the summer.

My friends here and I had talked a lot about the summer too, about places we can go and things like that, I’m hope we could do some of that too.

Summer holidays, come as soon as you can, PLEASE!!

P.S. .+=☻ 
So be carefully with the sun!!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


I actually believe that I don't know much of the drug of abuse topic, mainly because I’m a teetotaler person (that means that I do not drink alcohol, and don’t use drugs of abuse), and I don’t usually get involved with people who do that. So I just know about some drugs and their effect, by some books, movies, even some songs, and by other things like that.

Almost all the drugs have born like something to help the humans with some problem, for example, the morphine, it's a drug that was created to help people to endure the pain, but someone decided to mix it with many others ingredients and created the heroin, that is a hard drug of abuse; the same have happened with the creation of almost all the drugs. That’s mainly why I think that all the drugs have been born like something good and them were created to help us, but we insist in pass from that to something that bring us more pleasure in exchange for our health.

When someone is under drugs of abuse effect, there are plenty attitudes why you can see it, like sudden change in behavior, careless with personal presentation, red or glassy eyes, dilated pupils, excessive laughter out of control, etcetera. Apart of all of these effects, there are plenty dangers into the consumption of drugs of abuse, because some of them make your heart run faster and faster and this can cause heart attacks, others make your brain dumb  and kill your neurons, others got your lungs black, or kill your liver, etcetera.

Once you start to consume drugs into a regular way, you get used to the effect, and you need more and more so you can feel the same you felt before, and like that make you feel pleasure, you need to keep taken drugs, so you can feel good. 

I don’t really know many cases of drugs of abuses addiction, but I know people who are addicted to other things, for example, my mother is addicted to coffee, she needs to drink like 2 cups daily, or she get a hard head ache, and my cousin is addicted to coca-cola, he needs to keep him sugar level up all day, or he get upset for anything, I think that some years ago, I was kind of addicted to read (now I have no time to do it), I used to read like two books per week.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Post-graduate studies (?

Like I say in my last post, I’m absolutely sure that once I finish my career I will need to have a PhD, if I still want to do scientific investigation, but I’m still not sure of the subject I would select to do it.

Even if I don’t know for sure, I think that I would like to do a PhD in something like genetic; mostly because like I say before, I want to discover the secrets of our world, and I do actually believe that our DNA keep the most amazing secrets of all. However, seeing my current grades in biology, I don’t know if it is going to be the best choose.

Like I haven’t decided anything about doing a PhD, I don’t truly know where I would like take it, because I think that going to another country would be much better, but some teachers had told us that PhDs in Chile are pretty good too.

I don’t think that I would ever like the combination of working and studying, I can hardly do one of them in a semi-good way so I think that I couldn’t handle it, but I don’t want to depend on my parents even then, so I would love to get some kind of scholarship, but if I don’t I would probably need to work and study at the same time and probably take part-time classes.

However, I'm still in my first year, so I think I have plenty time to think about in what I want to specialize. :)