Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A country I would like to visit ♥

Just like everybody else, there are so many places I want to see someday but I’m not capable of choose one over another, so I made a top ten list of places I want to travel someday. I already visited some of them (actually just one) , and other even does not exist, but I would love to travel there.

So, here we go!

Number 10: Bermuda Triangle.

Ok, maybe it’s a bit weird to start my ranking with something like this, but I’m a curious person, so I  want to try, go there and see what happen there by myself; and If I’m a lucky person, maybe I could be back and tell everybody what I saw.

 Number 9: Guanajuato, Mexico.

Well, apart of be a beautiful place, there is something amazing that happen in Guanajuato’s ground, in their cemetery exactly. The ground there make the corpses become mummies, into a natural way. So maybe when I get old, I would move to Guanajuato, so I dead there, then I can become a mummy, and I can be in a mummies museum.

 Number 8: Costa Rica.

I just have one reason why I want to travel to Costa Rica, and it is to do a volunteer job working with slothful, whit some friends. It’s a bit expensive to do this, but I think it is amazing, so I want to try this in not quite long time, this travel should be done before leaving the University, I think.

Number 7: The Forbidden City of Beijing, China.

I don’t actually think that this one does need so much explanation. I wish to travel there and just see everything. Apart of the Forbidden City, everything related to this country makes me want to travel and see it for myself. Plus I learned a bit of Chinese in the school, so I think I would survive there.

Number 6: Egypt.

I actually think that I don’t know anything about this country, but I absolutely want to see the pyramids. For me it is something like magic the way them were built, without the current technologies. I really want to see it by myself.

Number 5: Narnia.

Well I know that it really doesn’t exist, but I got this crazy theory, that says that Narnia is where you go when you die. And I really hope this is real, I absolutely want to go to the magic world of Narnia when I die, I mean, ¿Who wouldn't?

Number 4: Paris, France.

My reason to want to go to Paris is very different from everybody’s reason, I don’t care to see the Eiffel Tower or anything like that; I just want visit the catacombs from Paris, them are full of human bones, from centuries ago, when the black death attacked France, it’s a bit weird, but I surely want to see that.


Number 3: Harbin international ice and snow sculpture festival, China.

My first Chinese teacher told me about this magic festival, she lived somewhere near to Harbin, and since then I’m wishing to travel there. This must be very fun. You can even stay in ice made hotel!!


Number 2: England.

I don’t really know why, but I’m in love with this country, I absolutely want to go there someday, maybe even move there. But more of any other thing I want to travel to England to meet J.K. Rowling, the writer or Harry Potter series.

 Number 1: Home.

Like any other student who had move from his home, that is the place I want to be the most, I miss my family, my dog, my bed, everything, and just like everybody else, I take every opportunity I got to travel home. So I can stay with them for some days, that is actually the place I want to be the most, but I want to see the world anyway.

This is a bit long, Sorry.


  1. what if you go to the bermuda triangle and you die there and after that you go to narnia.... you would cover 2 places in one trip....

  2. Anyone who has read Harry Potter would like to visit England... I include myself :)

  3. I didn't know about the mummies of guanajato, it would be a very funny experience as a dead body, I could be famous after all! jajaj

  4. Hi
    There so many amazing places to go, the world is so beautiful, and is full of mysteries to discover. See you.
